Eric von Schmidt Painting
"Storming of the Alamo"
copyright George R. Janecek
About "Here Fell Custer"
The banner photo that graces the top of every page of this website displays "Here Fell Custer." The original acrylic on canvas of "Here Fell Custer" was completed in
time for the centennial of the Battle of the Little Bighorn and premiered in
the June 1976 issue of Smithsonian Magazine. The National Park Service has
now selected "Here Fell Custer" as the official painting depicting the last
stand in which five companies of the 7th Cavalry under the command of Lt.
Col. George A. Custer fought to their deaths against warriors of the Sioux
and Cheyenne nations. The painting is displayed on the wayside exhibit at
Last Stand Hill near where Custer fell as well as the NPS brochure.
Photos graciously provided by John Doerner,
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