Friends Board Director Lola Mauer -- her favorite place to volunteer is Keogh Trail. Self Image!
Austin Reece at the Deep Ravine wayside -- photo by Reece
Dave Depperman browsing books in the visitor center bookstore. Dave was a big help giving transportation for our British Friends. Photo by Semenock
Hank Pangione of Boston. Hank’s second year to interpret -- his favorite place to volunteer is Keogh Trail. Photo by Reece
We placed an interpreter at the Indian Memorial for the first time this year, which Megan Reece happily volunteered for. Photo by Reece
First time visitors Jerry Herridge and daughter Stephanie from Idaho. Photo by Semenock
First time volunteer, Dave Depperman of Florida, Lola, and Austin just before the start of the ceremonies at Reno Benteen Battlefield. Photo by Reece
Long time Friends interpreter (I think from the very first year) Phil Dyer. Thanks for the journal Phil. Photo by Semeonck
Friends first British interpreter, Peter Hill helping visitors on the Deep Ravine Trail. Photo by Semenock
Seasonal Park Ranger and Friends’ Board Director Jerry Jasmer hands out water to visitors on Last Stand Hill. Photo by Semenock
Fellow Texans and first time Friends visitors Gay Jones (l) and Heather Deschane on Last Stand Hill. Photo by Semenock
Friends’ members all l-r: Larry Bright, Ernie LaPointe, and Gloria Bright. Photo provided by the Brights.
First time Friends visitor Melani Van Petten of Oakland California. Melani supports her local NPS Friends organization as well. Photo by Semenock
Our first Swedish Friends member who we are lucky to see almost every year, Curt Wahrme. Photo by Semenock
Friends Board Director Mike Semenock answering visitors’ questions at the Mitch Bouyer marker, Deep Ravine Trail. Photo by Reece
Hank and first time Friends visitor, Ron Martin of Florida – turns out both are Myles Keogh nuts!! Photo by Reece
Megan, and longtime boyfriend and savior for the NPS, Ron Thomas. Photo by Reece
Wahrme and Ken Custer after the June 25 wreath laying ceremony. Photo by Semenock
Mike Semenock visiting with Sean McCue. Sean interpreted on Last Stand Hill. Photo by Wahrme