Friends Of The Little Bighorn Battlefield

The Next Generation In The Study Of Custer's Last Stand

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President's Message

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President Message, Bob Reece

February, 2024

It was exhilarating when I learned that the Treacy Foundation believed enough in the Friends mission, and the need for a new Visitor Center (VC), that it awarded our organization $25,000. In the past, Friends has depended on the kindness of our membership - which is very much appreciated - for financial support toward battlefield projects; however to garner that high amount from membership would have taken longer than the time required.

The $25,000 award was immediately turned over to Superintendent Dustin Sene. Friends did not retain a penny. Our membership can be proud of that. I know I am! This donation has come at the opportune time because with each passing day, the costs of construction continue to rise.

Superintendent Dustin Sene Appointed Acting Superintendent of the Powder River Group

Dustin Sene was recently appointed Acting Superintendent of the Powder River Group while James Hill is on assignment. The Powder River Group includes the Parks at Little Bighorn, Bighorn Canyon, Fort Laramie, and Devil’s Tower. Dustin quickly arranged to bring over Bethany Gassman from Yellowstone. Bethany will serve as the acting superintendent of Little Bighorn. Her role will be to ensure the construction of the new VC keeps moving forward.

NOTE: Effective May 2024, Mr. Sene is no longer acting for the Powder River Group, but back full-time as superintendent of Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument.

Park Ranger Marvin Dawes Retirement

Marvin retired from the NPS effective December 31, 2023. I have known Marvin since the 1990s when he started as a seasonal ranger. Today, he is an incredibly active member of the Crow Tribe, and is a fixture at Little Bighorn College located in Crow Agency, Montana.

Over the years Marvin was very generous of his time, so would share with me Crow Tribal oral accounts. He speaks the Crow language and is working to ensure all young members of his tribe learn their language. Marvin will be missed.

Because I was unavailable last December-January, I asked Jim Thorn and Lola Mauer to get word to the membership regarding Friends not holding official events for June 2024.  They emailed the notice in January.

Friends Events for June 2024 Cancelled

At the general membership meeting last June, we discussed the possibility of canceling the 2024 events. The various reasons discussed included how incredibly difficult it is to arrange for Friends events because of unforeseen circumstances from the VC construction. We do not want our events to be in the way of this major project. We do not know how accessible management staff will be, if at all. We do not know if we could even use the administration building for the command post. As of this writing, there are still many unanswered issues that LIBI management is working to resolve.

Personally, I do not feel it right to ask our members to arrange travel to Montana – at the exorbitant costs for such travel – when it is still unclear what parts, if any, of the battlefield will be accessible. The board did discuss the possibility of holding events off the battlefield but decided otherwise for several reasons: Friends events have always been held on the battlefield because we are an official partner with the NPS, and we assist staff where necessary over the busy anniversary weekend. NPS did not know – still does not know – if official events are to occur on June 25. Additionally, there are no venues in Hardin to be had. I had looked into Friends establishing a command post at the Bighorn County Museum; however the NPS will be using that location.

I’ll see you on Last Stand Hill.

Bob Reece

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