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Webmaster's Note: Historian
and Friends member, Jerome Greene, talks with us about his new book
American Carnage: Wounded Knee, 1890 October 2014 Bob Reece: There is not a subject so difficult to tackle as Wounded Knee. What drew you to what you knew could be a very long project? Jerome Greene: Wounded Knee has resonated with me through the years, from the time I first learned about it in junior high school through the time I first visited the site in the summer of 1969. It became an eleven-year project (2001-2012). I began seriously researching and gathering materials in 2001, prompted in part by friends like Eli Paul and Jack McDermott, who generously contributed the fruits of their own previous research on the subject. Others like Tom Buecker facilitated my use of much new material, while during that timespan my Brooklyn friend Marc Abrams offered a plethora of newspaper accounts that he had collected. B. R. Why Wounded Knee? Why now?
J. G. I felt it was time; the last authoritative treatment on the
subject had appeared in 1963 with Robert M. Utley's classic
The Last Days of the Sioux Nation (The Lamar Series in Western History) During the research process, I became determined to learn and to relate the
Wounded Knee story in its totality - I wanted to explain objectively not just the
massacre but the reasons why it occurred, as well as what followed as the Lakotas worked through what had happened to them to seek compensation for what
clearly had been a terrible wrong. J. G. Yes, indeed. Some enabled the further fleshing out and bolstering of background events, besides occurrences during the massacre and aftermath, and particularly the fight for compensation that followed all the way into the mid-twentieth century. Most books, I believe, had not dealt adequately with the events leading to Wounded Knee, particularly the government land takings among the Sioux, and most immediately the results of the 1889 land agreement, the ration shortages, the Ghost Dance as tailored among some but not all of the Lakotas, as well as the differences existing among the diverse elements of those people respecting their reservation existence that influenced societal schisms among progressive and traditionalists during the years and months preceding Wounded Knee. I've included a wide range of Lakota sources that helped provide a well-rounded Indian perspective throughout the book, including incidents respecting Sitting Bull's death as well as the massacre at Wounded Knee. Documents further strengthened the view that General Miles hoped for a bloodless campaign and directly blamed Colonel Forsyth and other subordinates for what happened. Miles years later championed compensating the victims and their families, and even the hard-nosed Standing Rock Agent James McLaughlin agreed (late in life he took a leading role in the effort on behalf of Sioux families victimized by the slaughter). Yet the Indians’ efforts for remuneration in the end proved futile. Of particular note regarding the massacre proper was the discovery that the teenage son of a Seventh Cavalry officer was present at Wounded Knee when the fighting erupted, suggesting that most officers believed that the disarmament was to occur routinely, thereby precluding the notion held by some writers that the massacre had been premeditated. Moreover, I found absolutely no evidence to indicate that such premeditation occurred. (Throughout the research phase I was specifically looking for that, too, but I never found it.) Also, the commonly held view that the massacre was payback for Little Bighorn seems to me to be largely unjustified. There is also much new material describing the role and use of the Hotchkiss
guns during the action at Wounded Knee, as well as a practical discussion
explaining the award of Medals of Honor to soldiers who took part. Other
information that will be new to many people includes the army killings of an
Oglala woman and her children at nearby White Horse Creek on the same day that
Wounded Knee took place, and a personal account of the head-on train crash
involving soldiers of the Seventh Cavalry as they returned to Fort Riley,
Kansas, at the close of the Pine Ridge Campaign. In sum, I've attempted to place
Wounded Knee in a broad context regarding its background, and to provide a
detailed perspective regarding events on the ground as well as its aftermath.
J. G. At present I’m editing and annotating for publication the 1891 diary of a Sixth Cavalryman stationed at Fort Niobrara, Nebraska, just south of the Rosebud reservation in South Dakota. The soldier played a role at Pine Ridge during the days following Wounded Knee, including participation in the final skirmish between troops and Lakotas on New Year’s Day 1891. Beyond recording and reflecting on events at Pine Ridge and his army life around Fort Niobrara (near Valentine, Nebraska) during the period of the closing frontier, this soldier witnessed the brief effort by the federal government to enlist Indian men as soldiers in the Regular Army. I’m also researching a book dealing with the breakout of Chief Morning Star’s followers from their barrack imprisonment at Fort Robinson, Nebraska, in January 1879, yet another tragedy affecting the Northern Cheyenne people.
B. R. That is an impressive body of work for us to enjoy in the future.
For me, I'm especially interested in the Cheyenne outbreak from Fort Robinson.
Thanks again for your time, Jerry. And, thank you for writing such an important
book as American Carnage: Wounded Knee, 1890 American Carnage HomeMore Of Our Interviews With Historians |
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