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Corporal John Foley |
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By John Doerner, Chief Historian, Little Bighorn Battlefield National MonumentPhotos courtesy Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, John Doerner and Sharon SmallWebmaster's Note: Past Friends board member, Chip Watts, had a long-time dream to memorialize the soldier John Foley with a white marble marker somewhere in the Medicine Tail Coulee area. Note on very rare site in photos -- water flowing in Medicine Tail Coulee.
Bad Heart Bull ledger drawing showing Foley
shooting Chip Watts went out with me Tuesday June 5th and helped us locate the cairn as the grass was high and you could stand on top of it and miss it! I showed it to him years ago and had not seen it again until now. Foley's marker will really add to the cultural landscape and is easily visible from the Medicine Tail Coulee bridge. Below are a few shots of the wooden stake to better locate the site (note the Cottonwood in Medicine Tail; another rare site - Medicine Tail Creek full of water and the tour road bridge). We placed Foley's marker on the field June 11, 2007. It is located just south of Butler's marker along the west slope of Medicine Tail Coulee. The following are some of the historic accounts
about Foley's courageous breakout from Custer Hill and pursuit by several
Lakota's. My favorite is: Foley's white marble marker was supplied by the Veterans Administration and is the same Civil War style that was first placed on the battlefield in 1890 by the U.S. Army to denote and preserve 7th Cavalry casualty sites. Foley's marker includes the following information: CPL JOHN FOLEY CO. C 7TH CAVALRY FELL HERE JUNE 25, 1876 The Arikara MarkersSoldier Markers Home |
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